sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Kyle XY vs Jessi XX

I definitely feel like

I was grown in a pod

Until very recently;

I wish I was more like Kyle,

But I find myself too often

Coming across as Jessi.


Vertigo is

The feeling that you get

When you stare

Into the abyss,

Into its fathomless depths,

And it stares

Right back at you,

Right into your eyes,

And beckons.

Being vs Doing

In life

You have to choose






Abstracting yourself

Into the

World within,

Focusing yourself

On the conundrums

Of identity;


Leaving a mark

On the world

Around you,

Loosing yourself

In the dramas

Of action.

I am a species of one:

I live:

By myself,

With myself,

Unto myself,

For myself.

My inner life is paramount:

Thoughts and feelings,

Mental conflicts,

Turbulent emotions.

I also lead

My own private life:

My own personal rituals,

Going to the places that I love

All by my lonesome.

Consuming consumer culture:


Devoting myself

To the pursuit of knowledge

And perchance wisdom

Or learning about life

Through Story;

Listening to music,

Pandering to my delicate sensitivity

Or as catharsis to my oft turbulent emotions;

Watching multimedia,

Living vicariously

Lives pared down to their essentials

And distilled to Story;

Even interactive multimedia,

Where I become other beings

And experience outlandish adventures.




Being where I am,

Doing what I am doing,

Savoring life’s

Simple private pleasures,

Or just plain Being.

I lead

A very limited social life,

Very limited indeed;

I have never managed to build

A social persona,

And never developed the perception

Of how the Other perceives me;

Most of all,

I have never been able to make allowances

For how the other perceives me to change me;

To influence how I act,

To influence who I am;

I can’t help

Being who I am

And act accordingly.

My constructed reality,

The way that I perceive the world,

Is very bleak indeed:

With very few remarkable exceptions,

The world is peopled by monsters,

For a Monster is how I perceive the Other;

(And the exceptions

Are angels or

Outright incarnate gods and / or goddesses)

In such a black and white world

Either you are

With me


Against me,

You are either

Part of the solution


Part of the problem,

Part of the cure


Part of the disease.


An ally:

A haven,


Comfort and solace,

Encouragement and support,

Affection and tenderness,

Friendship and / or love;


An enemy:

A monster,


Molesting bullying,

Mocking discrimination,

Tyrannical oppression,

Loathing and / or hate.


I have often been persecuted,

Because I am different,

Because I am alone.

But, seldom,

I have found refuge,

And I was accepted,

And I was accompanied.


Knowing all this about me

Which one are you?

An ally?


An enemy?

Now it is up to you,

Now the ball is on your court.

sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009

Feiticeira da Lua

Feiticeira da lua,

Tu encarnas na tua pessoa.

Canalizas a sua presença,

Serves de conduta ao seu poder,

De receptáculo à sua energia,

De veiculo às suas dádivas;

A Deusa Lua,

Pálida irmã gémea

Do Deus Sol trigueiro,

Toda de prata e de mercúrio

Onde ele é ouro e cobre.

A Deusa Lua,

Feita de grácil subtileza,

Passividade que comanda,

Artifícios femininos

Que dão a ilusão de controlo.

Onde o seu irmão Deus Sol

É todo pujança arrogante

E um carisma opressor e tirânico,

Frontalidade masculina que comanda

Pelo exercício directo de vontade.

Feiticeira da lua,

Tu teces os feixes de luar em

Tapeçarias diáfanas mas infrangíveis

Que definem e circunscrevem

O destino dos homens.

Feiticeira da lua,

Tu usas o crescente da lua

Como um anzol inexorável

Com o qual capturas para a eternidade

O coração dos homens

Feiticeira da lua

A lua que é o teu totem

Regula com as suas metamorfoses

Os ciclos profundos dos corpos das mulheres,

Segredos misteriosos e sagrados,

Sede do seu terrível mas subtil poder.

Feiticeira da lua

A lua que é o teu totem

Regula com as suas metamorfoses

Os ciclos turbulentos dos corações das mulheres,

Fonte da sua perigosa imprevisibilidade,

Que as torna carentes de constante avaliação.

A noção, essa, estava

Perdida, esquecida e abandonada

Num qualquer ermo

Remoto, distante e longínquo,

Lá onde

Os quintos do inferno

Fazem esquina com

O infinito.

Like a ruthless rider

Heedless of the well-being

Of his hapless mount

Rides it hard and pushes it

Till it drops I pushed myself.

Três criancinhas

Serenamente dormem

Na paz dos anjos,

Enquanto em seu redor

Chinfrim da festa reina.

Um deus e uma

Deusa manifestam-se

Na minha vida;

Chegam com profecias

De esperança, alento.


Found tranquility, a small

Measure of sought peace.

It was second home to me,

In there I found family.

When she gives you her

Attention, you feel warmth and light,

Just like a searchlight.

You also feel scanned by

A tricorder, so probing.

When she smiles at you

Is like she harnessed the sun

Into a flashlight

And turned it on and pointed

It and focused it on you.

I just love the way

Your whole face just crinkles up

Whenever you smile.

It lights up just like the sun,

Radiates out light and warmth.

Pose terra a terra dotada,

É com pragmatismo contemplada;

Asneiras somente não comporta,

Tolos simplesmente não suporta;

Pelos seus nomes chama as coisas,

Pois elas são o que são, as coisas;

Não tem medo de nada, ousada,

Bem consigo própria, confiada;

Os outros tal como são aceita,

Tudo lhe é natural, inata;

De muito amor às gentes capaz,

De um vero interesse capaz;

Bem prestável com quem precisa é,

Muito dada a de quem gosta é.

Superficial pareces, só que

Tens insondável profundidade;

Superfície, tudo transparece.

Tens cara muito expressiva que

Está sempre em mudança permanente;

Tens um sorriso radioso que

Toda a tua cara envolve.

Como vulcão em forte erupção,

Tens insondável profundidade;

Superfície, tudo transparece.

Just like an angel,

Maybe an elfish princess,

You gave me comfort;

This place was like a haven

To me, island of the blessed.

Que tenhas escolhido aterrar,

Afortunado acho-me eu,

No mesmo tempo e sitio que eu.

Tu viajaste no tempo e no

Espaço e através de várias

Encarnações; visitas-te várias

Partes, foste peixe e pássaro.

Tu proporcionaste-me conforto;

Afortunado acho-me eu,

No mesmo tempo e sitio que eu.

She is of heaven,

He is of earth; they complement

Each other nicely.

He grounds and tethers her,

She enables him to fly.

Um casal de pinguins

Na vastidão vazia e gelada

Do seu meio ambiente natural;

A sua gordura e cobertura,

Verdadeiro casaco, de penas,

Mantêm-nos quentes


A cada um.

Mas o seu amor,

Laço que os une

Para a vida inteira,

Aquece o par

Como casal.

Juntos e revezando-se

Prestam cuidados desmesurados

Aos seus ovos, depois suas crias;

E assim aquecem-se

Como família.

Na vastidão vazia e gelada

Do seu meio ambiente natural;

Os pinguins são um marco

Do triunfo do calor.

Pessoa muito maternal tu és

E muito feminina também és;

Tu tens empatia e compaixão

E intuição e compreensão;

Tu gostas de cuidar das pessoas,

Toda a liberdade respeitas;

Chegar ao potencial é meta,

O teu e o de quem te rodeia.

You are so like an

Albatross; a bird of the

Ocean, wide open

Horizon where you fly free;

Yet you form bonds for all life.

Celestial é a tua aura,

Olhar, expressão algo vaga,

Quem está pouco preso à terra,

Cuja alma o céu sempre lembra.

Cold, empty and grey,

That is what my life feels like:

12 months of winter;

Dreary overcast grey sky

And numbing constant drizzle.

Without sin I was

Banished to the far far north:

Inhospitable land,

Barren wastes of white and cold,

Inimical to life.

I feel I am cursed:

Diminishing returns is

What I always get

The harder I try to keep

Someone I love in my life.

The garden of love:

Lush green grass and wide frond trees,

Colorful flowers;

Buxom women shower love.

Though I have never been there…

Loss is the short sword

That has pierced my heart with pain

Time and time again.

For me not the joy to have,

Only the sharp pain of loss.

Dark and cold and void

Reaches of the outer space stretch

To infinity.

My inner space has come to

Resemble the outer space.

The summation of

My life is very small indeed;

Consummation of

Desire something that has more

Often than not eluded me.

Black Phoebe is my

Girl, though mine she is not at

All, for she has shown

Herself to be in the end

The unobtainable girl.

Desolate landscape,

Empty flat, glaring white, plain;

Heavy, bitter cold.

A mind where nothing happens,

A heart where nobody lives.

As the tide comes up;

Water rises in foreplay,

Sand moans in relief;

The two lovers reunite,

Hesitate as reacquaint.

When the tide is low,

The sun and air both bake dry

Sand once embraced wet;

Sand thirsts for water’s caress,

Water can but reach with yearn.

As the tide goes down;

Water comes and goes, lingers;

Sand sighs in accord;

Water hesitates to go,

Sand still grasps but is resigned.

As the tide goes down;

Water still flows in, ebbs out;

Sand sighs in accord;

Water lingers, hesitates,

Sand still grasps but is resigned.